Women Republicans of Cleveland County
Calendar Year __________
Regular Membership/Renewal : $35.00
Date submitted:________ Dues paid by : Ck#________ Cash _____
Associate Membership : $20.00
Date submitted:_________ Dues paid by : Ck#________ Cash _____
Name: __________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________
Phone: (H) _________________ (C) _____________________
Occupation: ____________________________________________
How did you hear about the Republican Women? Newspaper—Mailings— Facebook —
or a Club Member (please include name) _______________________________________
Regular Membership - shall be open to any woman who is a registered Cleveland County Republican and accepts and advocates the Objectives and Rules of this Organization.
Associate Membership - shall be open to Republican women who have primary membership in a federated local club upon payment of the required dues; Republican men are eligible for associate membership upon payment of the required dues to WeROCC. Associate members cannot hold office, have a voice, or vote at any WeROCC meeting. They also cannot be counted for the purposes of determining the number of delegates to National or State federation meetings or conventions. Republican men who are associate members in WeROCC do not become members of the NCFRW or the NFRW.
Please return the application and dues to the Membership Chairwoman via mail or in person.
You may also choose to take a photo of the application and send via email or text as alternate notification.
Mail: PO Box 3327 Shelby, NC 28151
Email: wallh75@gmail.com or Via Text: Text picture and send to 704-488-8299
Please make check payable to Women Republicans of Cleveland County.